Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Anti-Aging Remedies

Every year we gain one year in our age, and we can’t stop it. As we gain age, there are signs that we are really at the aging stage. Lines on the face or wrinkle are signs of aging. Most of the women always wanted to be fresh looking and baby face. Because of that demand, cosmetic surgeries produce anti-aging treatments which helps to remove the signs of aging. But, there are natural ways to reduce the signs and looks young. Here are some tips, see it below.

Tip 1: Apply the coconut milk on the face and it makes the face glow.

Tip 2: Apply a smash or slice avocado on the dry face and skin. It makes the face get younger skin.

Tip 3: Milk can help to remove the dead skin cells. After washing the face, splash a little amount of milk.

Tip 4: Apply the raw potato by rubbing it on the mark spots; it helps to remove those spots.

Tip 5: For blackheads and pimples problem, home or sheet mask may help to remove that dirt.

Tip 6: Fine lines on eyes makes us old, by applying honey bee around the eye skin can result of brighten face.

Tip 7: Lemon juice is not only used to whiten the teeth; it also helps to remove the dark spot, elbow and knee. Apply the juice on the spots for 15mins within 6 weeks for the best result.

Tip 8: For last anti-aging treatment, eat three times a day of fruits that contains D-Glucarate. It removes the estrogen and limits the fat levels of the blood.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Evolution of camera

Camera is an object that can produce captured and recorded objects. It was first made in mid-1500, in the figured of camera Obscura. As days and years pass, the technology grown and many kinds of camera are invented and produced; from the personal to professional used.
Nowadays, camera is the main capital of the people who love to capture things. It became part of life to capture their best moments in life; graduations, birthdays, or reunion. As the world of photography goes wide, Philippine wedding videographers makes their own way on how to show their feelings and expression through videos and filming the best day ever of life.
From the first invented of camera to present and the invention of the cellphone with a built in camera, the evolution where it was started is never going to stop, today and tomorrow.
See the info graphic of the evolution of the camera to present.
Philippine wedding videographers